Let’s take your business
to new heights


Supply chain management

At VDH Consulting we love to put all the pieces together and solve the puzzle! Starting with your business model and strategy, we will look at everything from assortments, sourcing and manufacturing (make or buy?), planning, fulfillment, warehousing and distribution, to create an end-to-end supply chain that is flexible and resilient, and  optimally serves your customers, supports your growth and revenue goals,  and boosts your bottom line. We call it ‘aligning your stars’!

Planning & fulfillment

Two key areas at the heart of the supply chain are how to plan supply and fulfill demand. To do this right every company needs state-of-the-art demand forecasting, inventory planning, and order fulfillment processes and tools. Supported by sound data & analytics and robust performance management, it also sets the stage for cross-functional S&OP. This helps identify risks and opportunities and guides the decision-making process toward delivering your financial forecast. Don’t settle for anything less!

Operational excellence

When you’re not happy with the results your supply chain is delivering, there’s a myriad of things that can cause this. Lean management can help uncover the root causes and true problems you need to solve. An in-depth review of your constellation: from goals and organization, to processes and performance, allows you to identify the pain points and start a journey of continuous improvement. Get going today: operational excellence is just around the corner!

About us

Founded in 2019 by Paul van der Helm, VDH Consulting is the logical next step in what Paul is trying to achieve professionally. VDH Consulting is focused on helping companies create a more compelling customer proposition and a better bottom line, by designing, developing and implementing a world class supply chain and excellent operating practices. In other words…
aligning your stars for a supply chain your customers will appreciate!

VDH Consulting will always be focused on having your business thrive in the long term, by building on short term success. We can set up your supply chain in a way that’s on-strategy and future-proof, make sure your customer is served and serviced today, and allow your operation to boost profitability.

We can help you align your stars in different ways, from stepping in on an interim management basis, to providing consulting support on your strategy or operations questions, or by managing and executing your plans on a project basis.



Need some unbiased and honest feedback on your ideas? Or a thought leader to devise your new supply chain strategy for you? 

At VDH Consulting we’re used to moving your supply chain to where the market and your customers are heading. We can align your operational set up with the commercial plan that together is worth more than the parts!


Looking for an experienced manager to get your project off the ground? Or someone to tie all the loose ends and deliver the value?

With VDH Consulting you can start moving from strategy to execution. We have >20 years of experience in project management, from selling the idea, to planning the work and managing stakeholders, and everything that follows.

Interim management

Do you have a key leadership role open? Are you in need for someone to fill the gap, while you look for the right, long-term candidate?

Based on broad experience VDH Consulting can quickly step in, analyze your immediate needs and make an impact in your organization. We’re even happy to help evaluate your candidates while we’re there!